During the month of May 2022, 5 SESSIONS FOR DYNAMIZATION OF TAP COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS were held, in person and online, promoted by the Business Associations promoting the project, on the following dates:
- in Castelo Branco, at AEBB, on 5th May, at 5 p.m., online;
- in Viseu, at AIRV, on 6th May, at 5 p.m.;
- in Bragança, at NERBA, on 25th May, at 4 p.m., online;
- in Vila Real, at NERVIR, on 26th May, at 4 p.m., online;
- in Guarda, at NERGA, on 30th May, at 3 p.m..
These first sessions were attended by companies in the agri-food sector and aimed at presenting the project Terras Altas and Portugal in greater detail and explaining the strategy for approaching international markets.
Among the project various activities, we highlight the development of a support platform for the internationalization of SMEs, the development of international prospecting actions, reconnaissance visits by international prospectors/importers to the region, participation in international fairs, international promotion actions, as well as the creation of a virtual international business exchange.
This project is promoted by NERVIR (Vila Real), AEBB (Beira Baixa), AIRV (Viseu), NERBA (Bragança), NERGA (Guarda) and aims to support companies that intend to internationalize their activity in the markets of Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium.
To access the PowerPoint presentation, please click here.