  • Official name: Federal Republic of Germany
  • Area: 357,022 km2
  • Population: 82,8 million inhabitants
  • Population density: 232 inhab/km2
  • Currency: Euro
  • Official language: German
  • Main cities: Berlin (capital, 3,8 million inhab), Hamburg (2,0 million inhab), Munich (1,8 million inhab), Cologne (1,5 million inhab), Frankfurt (1,0 million inhab), Stuttgart (750 thousand inhab), Düsseldorf (690 thousand inhab), Leipzig (648 thousand inhab), Dortmund (597 thousand inhab) e Essen (593 thousand inhab)
  • Religion: Catholic (32%), Protestant (32%), Muslim (5%), 30% profess no religion
  • Government: Germany is a federal parliamentary republic; the Federal President and Head of State is Franz-Walter Steinmeier; the Chancellor and Head of the Federal Government is Olaf Scholz, who exercises the executive power; the legislative power rests with the Parliament/ Bundestag